Welcome to Clive's Music!

Here you will find some of my compositions and a few thoughts on church music. My compositions are entirely "sacred" having been written specifically for church use. This started with one or two carols which have been sung since I was organist at Staple and Woodnesborough churches near Sandwich in East Kent, UK. I hope to add some more eventually, but the work that has excited me the most has been the Millennium Communion Setting, now in version 3, closely followed by my more recent hymn or worship song You're there!. The Millennium Setting was in use at St Luke's, Torquay from Easter - Advent 2007, really too long a period at one go! I was Organist there until February 2008.

Even more exciting is a major project on hymns and how to start them such that the music runs straight into the verse and a bridge between verses separates the verses - sometimes useful for singers and again the starts of the verses are clearer. See Hymnstarts.

This has now been transferred to a new site: www.thecompletehymn.co.uk

The following links give more details of my music:

Communion Setting for the New Millennium Page 1 of Gloria full setting
Agnus Dei (complete)
Carol - Let's go to Bethlehem Intro & Chorus
Carol - Jesus in the Manger Complete
Song or hymn - You're there! Part of verse & text of refrain
Hymn tune - Take up they cross - SIDCUP New tune for an old favourite
Hymnstarts Outlines proposed new hymn method

I use Music Publisher by Braeburn Software. If you have MuP version 8 or earlier, I may be able to send you the file or a sample file to work with. Alternatively I can send files in PDF.

My music background has been varied. I learnt piano at school and sang in the school choir. Later I sang with the Cambridge University Gilbert & Sullivan Society in The Pirates of Penzance and Iolanthe under John Pryce-Jones and The Sorcerer under Richard Hickox. I have sung with and conducted several operatic societies and musical groups and became interested again in church music from 1977 when I joined the piano rota at St James, Southlake, Woodley near Reading. My church life moved around several churches including Bearwood near Wokingham, Catterick Village in N Yorks, a number of churches in the Canterbury area and latterly PPT Bovey Tracey in Devon, St Luke's Torquay, and now St Paul's Newton Abbot.

I have become progressively frustrated with church music as much of it is pitifully out of touch with late 20th and early 21st century life and much was singularly boring. In the average Anglican church you might think it was Lent all year round from the sullen looks on the faces of many in the congregations! Yet these are often wonderful people with a strong faith. Along with many church musicians, I longed for music that was considerably more upbeat, but without losing the very best of the old or classical. I particularly loathe the standard RSCM Ferial responses (Matins & Evensong) especially the latter set in the minor key after the creed. Musically the line ...and make thy chosen people joyful sounds more like... and make thy chosen people miserable! No wonder we don't relate to the younger generation - yet at music festivals all over the UK we still seem to hang on to this awful setting just because it is known and easier not to bother to learn something different.

The various communion settings seemed to me to suffer much of the same thing - the large number of locally written settings suggests that the official ones from RSCM and others are mediocre at best, and much that is in the big RSCM book published just a few years ago is awful and frankly very amateurish - wet was one apt description - sorry RSCM but this was a low point! I have not heard a good word about Volume 1.

Not that I can claim anything that special about my music - you will have to judge for yourself; but I try to make it as good as I can. Here is the list and you can look at the pages concerned to see if you like any of it.

For more information, please contact me: clivesawers@aol.com

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May 2020

Clive Sawers MA Cantab, 100 Aller Park Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4NH

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