How to obtain the music!

As I have written almost exclusively for church use I propose a slightly different method of "selling" the music than usual.

I will licence a church or other organisation to use my music as it wishes. I will provide all the necessary versions as part of the deal. A church may use the music in its own building or when visiting other buildings, but the music may not be loaned to others for use in their church except within the same benefice, or immediate group of churches. I propose to mark all original copies accordingly. You may therefore make as many photocopies as you wish for use within your church or group provided that the copyright details appear fully. You may also make your own electronic or other storage of the words and/or music. The license will be permanent.

Here are the pieces currently available:

Title Description Licence What you get Notes
Communion Setting for the New Millennium Setting of Holy Communion based on Common Worship. Versions 2 & 3 are available £30 Organ copy on card
(3 x A4, double-sided)
Choir copies (same as organ copy) on paper
Congregation copies (melody) on card
Originally written for Alternative Service Book (ASB)
Suitable for Common Worship
(not all responses*)
Carol: Let's go to Bethlehem! Lively Christmas Carol in Sop/Alto/Men 3-part harmony verses and unison chorus £25 Organ copy on card
Choir copies (same as organ copy) on paper
Audience/Congregation may join in chorus; verses best unaccompanied
Carol: Jesus in the manger Unaccompanied 4-part Christmas Carol for choirs £5 Organ copy on card
Choir copies on paper
(For rehearsal only!!)
(FREE with any other order)
Song: You're there! Three verses and refrain, mostly unison £25 Organ copy on card
Choir copies on paper
Text only available
(MS Word/RTF file)

For more information, please contact me:

Or call me +44 (0)7967 148794

Pages by MoorWeb
May 2020

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